- "Retroactive Continuity and Fictional Facts" (2024) British Journal of Aesthetics
- "Fictional Creationism and Negative Existentials" (2023) Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Table" (2023) Philosophies (Special Issue on Fiction and Metaphysics)
- "Referential Intentions and Ordinary Names in Fiction" (2023) Philosophical Studies
- "Singular Thoughts, Singular Attitude Reports, and Acquaintance" (2023) Analytic Philosophy
- "Authorial Intention, Readers' Creation, and Reference Shift" (2022) The Philosophical Quarterly [Winner of the 4th Moha Analytic Philosophy Award from Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy]
- "The Contingent A Priori, Linguistic Stipulation, and Singular Thought" (2021) Theoria
- "Against Predicativism about Names" (2020) Philosophical Studies
PuBLICATIONs in korean Journals
- "썸: 인식적 불확실성인가, 의지적 불확정성인가?" (Some썸: Epistemic Uncertainty or Volitional Indecisiveness?) (2021) The Journal of Korean Studies
- "썸을 탄다는 것은 무엇인가?: 신조어 '썸타다'의 적용조건 분석" (An Analysis of the Application Condition for the Newly-coined Korean Word "썸타다") (2019) Philosophical Analysis
- "In Defense of Hume’s Skeptical Argument against Induction" (2015) Korean Journal of Philosophy
- "Contextualism, Relativism, and the 'Faultless Disagreement'" (2012) Philosophical Analysis
- "이름의 지시체 결정 문제와 새로운 기술이론" (On the Problem of Fixing the Reference of a Name and a New Description Theory) (2010) Korean Journal of Philosophy
Work in progress
- A Paper on the Semantics of Group Names (in progress)
- A Paper on the Ontology of Social Groups (in progress)
- A Paper on the Properties of Abstract Artifacts (in progress)
- Tracking down the Conditions for Singular Thought (2018) University of California, Santa Barbara (Supervisor: Nathan Salmon)
Recent and upcoming presentations
- APA Central Colloquium Session, February 2024 (New Orleans)
- Eastern Hemisphere Language & Metaphysics Network Meeting, January 2024 (online)
- Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy Conference, August 2023 (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
- Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy Conference, May 2023 (University of Seoul)
- APA Central Colloquium Session, February 2023 (Denver)
- APA Pacific Colloquium Session, April 2022 (Vancouver)
- Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy Graduate Conference (Keynote Speaker), February 2022 (online)
- APA Eastern Colloquium Session, January 2022 (Baltimore)
- Samulgoongi Youtube사물궁이 유튜브: Intro to My Paper about Some썸타다
- SKKU News: Winning the 4th Moha Analytic Philosophy Award
- "Some썸타다" SUBUSU News YouTube Interview: Vol 1, Vol 2.
- Introduction Video of SKKU Philosophy Department
- Who Will Win If Son Goku and One Punch Man Fight? (SKKU Newspaper)